Friday, September 1, 2017


Writing is, in most cases, solitary work. It is easy to get stuck inside a bubble. However, if the goal is to publish, and most, if not all writing should be done with the goal of publishing, then a writer must exit the bubble, at some point, and seek an audience.
The first audience a writer seeks should be friendly, but critical. An important part of the writing process is feedback and in most instances, the best initial feedback is from other writers.
I have belonged to a critique group for a couple of years. These writers have provided me with essential feedback. This group has been an essential ingredient to my growth as a writer.  There have been, over time, six to eight other writers in the group, all strong writers with a good critical eye. I have learned from their feedback of my stories and from reading their work and watching their progress as writers. We push each other, encourage each other and find emotional support.
General audience readers, friends, family and the like are great and serve a purpose, but it is not as valuable as belonging to a group of people that understand writing and the process.
Find a group, it is not always easy, you may have to join a few or even several to find the right fit.

Make it a priority, it will make you better.    

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